Monday, November 29, 2010

Reminiscing . . .

I left him with a song … he gave it back to me with a heartfelt singing … and the memory of him singing that love song left an ineffaceable mark in my soul. He has always been a special part of me; drowned in the busy mundane events of life…but cherished and never forgotten. Twenty-one years had passed…After the tears, I could find myself smiling now.
A friend stood in the crowd. The other stood under a spotlight, with a secret love he thought was unreciprocated. He wasn’t sure if she has feelings for him…until after he received her letter with a song. Unfortunately, he got another woman pregnant and had to marry her. It’s a love ended before it even had the chance to flourish. He sang that love song as the last outcry of their hearts. No one knew why he was always singing it…except for her who dedicated the song to him.
Love! Such a wonderful thing it is!

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